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Your Body Is Your Friend

This is a guided meditation that will help you perceive your body in a loving way, as your travelling companion through life.
In our culture nobody really teaches us to be kind and gentle to our bodies. We tend to fear our body processes as something that we cannot fully understand and even worse, we cannot control.
The body becomes a feared enemy. And that, for some people, to the point where they suffer from health anxiety as there is no prove in the whole world that can reassure them that there is nothing wrong with the body.
When dis-ease really happenes in the body we tend to feel betrayed and hopeless as if we had nothing to do with it at all.
This meditation will help you befriend your body. It will help you start opening to the understanding that your body and your mind are one phenomenon. The mind influences the body in million ways that we are not aware of. These influences can help the body heal or make it prone to illnesses and weakness.
By becoming aware of these influences we can consciously support the body in becoming and staying healthy and natural.
Please and a comfortable position in a place where you cannot be easily disturbed for the next 25 minutes. You can lay down or sit in an armchair. Your eyes are closed.
Enjoy your meditation!