

“Life cannot be lived through no, and those who try to live life through no simply go on missing life. One cannot make an abode out of no, because no is just empty. No is like darkness. Darkness has no real existence; it is simply the absence of light. That’s why you cannot do anything with darkness directly. You cannot push it out of the room, you cannot throw it into the neighbor’s house; you cannot bring more darkness into your house. Nothing can be done directly with darkness, because it is not. If you want to do something with the darkness, turn the light off; if you don’t want darkness, put the light on. But all that you have to do has to be done with light.

“In exactly the same way, yes is light, no is darkness. If you really want to do anything in your life, you have to learn the way of yes. And yes is tremendously beautiful; just to say it is so relaxing. Let it become your very lifestyle. Say yes to the trees and the birds and people, and you will be surprised: life becomes a blessing if you are there to say yes to it. Life becomes a great adventure.”

Osho, Zorba the Buddha, Talk #5
(This title is no longer available at Osho’s request)

The Method:

When: Every night, before sleeping, for at least 10 minutes; then again the first thing in the morning for at least 3 minutes. Also in the day, whenever you feel negative, sit on your bed and do it.

Step 1: Start putting your energy into yes, make a mantra of yes. Sitting on your bed, begin repeating “Yes, yes”. Get in tune with it. First you will be just repeating it and then get into the feel of it, begin to sway with it. Allow it to come all over your being from head to toe. Let it penetrate you deeply.

Step 2: If you can’t say it out loud, at least silently say “Yes…yes..yes!”

Osho, The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun, Talk #15
(This title is no longer available at Osho’s request)

The Meditation

The recording below is based on the method that OSHO shared. You will be guided in the first 10 minutes to say YES.

The next 7 minutes you will be invited to sit silently and allow the energy of YES to flow through your body.

When you hear the music, stand up and start dancing, celebrating.

Enjoy the meditation!

Source: Just Say Yes | OSHO – Transform Yourself through the Science of Meditation

The following recording is a version of the same technique. The only difference in this recording is that there is no guidance during the part where you are invited to say YES. I hope You enjoy it!