Hypnotic Deep Sleep

In order to properly function, your body requires 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day (in the case of an adult, children need even more). That means that you spend around 42% of a 24 hours day sleeping, or at least you should. While this might seam an amazing waste of time, actually, many vital functions are completed during your sleep such as:
- all body tissues (including heart and digestive system) regenerate during sleep
- new memories consolidate and new information is integrated into existing knowledge
- any motor skills you practice (like skiing or playing the piano) get integrated so you get better at them next day
And all these amazing functions are being performed by your body without any help from your mind. You do not have any knowledge about theses processes and one of the reasons they happen while you are asleep is exactly because the mind is out of the way.
At its most extreme, sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Chronic sleep deprivation (including short sleep or disturbed sleep) was proven to:
- be a casual factor in 20% of serious car accidents
- increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, hypertension and immune dysfunction by up to 45%
- impair brain functioning including working memory and long term memory; hand- eye coordination
- decrease creativity
- impair team communication at working place and group decision making
- exacerbates depression and anxiety
People who have been awake for 19 hours (from 7am to 2am for example) or who slept only 4 hours the night before or who slept 6 or less hours a night for the last two weeks are as impaired in their cognitive and motor functions as a person who is legally intoxicated.
This audio self hypnosis will allow you to wake up each morning more rested and more energized for the day. It will also help you to fall asleep easier at night, and avoid tossing and turning in bed struggling to get to sleep by rewiring your mind to fall asleep easier from within.
In order to get all the benefits of this self hypnosis make sure to listen to it for a cycle of at least one week to 21 days. If you want to listen to other self hypnosis recordings in this course it is better to wait until you finish one cycle with one hypnosis before starting with another one in order to give the subconscious mind the time to operate one beneficial change at a time.