Hi, I’m Dana
I believe that we all have our own unique way of doing things that leads to a better life for ourselves and leaves the planet a better place!
Too many people give up their dreams in order to pursue borrowed goals that society sells as the proven formula for happiness.
We get caught in jobs that we might love but that require every ounce of our attention and energy to the point that we forget ourselves completely. Consequently, too many people end up living unfulfilled and joyless lives, too many people BURNOUT.
And the most importantly, too many people (maybe you too!) think there is no other way. I want to change that!
“Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals whereas culture has invented a single mould to which all must conform. It is grotesque!” U.G. Krisnamurti
Together we can find YOUR OTHER WAY by:
Carving space for yourself without giving up any of your current tasks
Learning how to manage difficult emotions like anger, anxiety, worrying
Clearing the blocks that keep you trapped in doing mood and prevent you from relaxing
Creating headspace away from inner chatter and self criticism
Finding the greater meaning of your life
“Dana is the most empathic person I have ever known, she understands, she sees, she’s asking questions, she spots well and never, ever gives you any bad feeling about yourself. Being coached by Dana simply feels good.” v RUXANDRA CLINCIU
My Story
World Trotter
I grew up in a small town in Romania and little did I know at that time that by the age 38 I would have travelled the world (38 states to be more exact) and lived in four different countries (Switzerland, France, Belgium and Greece). As you can imagine, the fact that I give zoom sessions is not accidental as it allows me to serve you irrespective of geographic constraints.
International Negotiator
I used to be an international negotiator on climate change issues. It was quite an impressive job that lead me to be part of the negotiations and adoption of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It gave me the feeling that I was doing something great for the planet.
However, ten years into my career I was feeling exhausted, sad and angry most of the time.
My soul was depleted as there was not enough food for my soul in that job…l was craving time in nature and not spending every day in badly ventilated meeting rooms. I wanted to have time to meditate, to paint, to write and to fall in love. I did not know how to carve space for all those things into my life…I did not know how to invite them in…my hands were full already. I needed a break!
Born Again – India
In 2018 I took a sabbatical which was the start of my greatest adventure. I spent the next years in and out of India in a meditation ashram. This changed forever the way I perceive life and reality. Old childhood wounds, that I did not even know I was carrying, were healed in that process.
What I learned is that:
I cannot save others or the planet while I am in pain
Giving only happens from a place of fullness
Otherwise, sooner or later, we BURNOUT
My practice as stress management therapist grew from that space of fullness and joy. It grew from the willingness to support you in finding YOUR OTHER WAY. That way that is just yours and that leads you to finding the meaning of your life. Dana

You can take the first step on YOUR WAY today!
Join Avoid Burnout Programme
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